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RRR2021 - Finance options for livelihoods from wet peatlands
RRR2021 Keynote by Prof. Hans Joosten of the Greifswald Mire Centre
Finance Options
RRR2021 - Opening Keynote by Christian Holzleitner
Peatlands, Climate and Paludiculture
The importance of monitoring and rewetting peatlands in reducing the impacts of climate change
#PeatConf20: Day 1 - Peatlands - A Global Future continued, including Q&A session.
"Castellers de Vilafranca",1/11/22.Make history with a new castle never seen before!
Castellers de Vilafranca Pilar de 9 amb folre, manilles i puntals carregat
CREAF Talks. Hans Joosten: The peatland pathway to 2050
Was mit Rohrkolben...
Castellers de Vilafranca - torre de 9 amb folre i manilles - Tots Sants 2022